ITAC Think Tank

Do you miss the richness of dialogue at ITAC conferences and learning how colleagues work in different cultures? Now you can get a hit of ITAC every month, conveniently at your computer (using ZOOM video chat). Join our ongoing ITAC—each month a Host from a different part of the world will share insights about their work, and in discussion with you and others, dig deep about the ways this could help you develop your own practice . Yes, you can invite friends and colleagues to join with you to further share the global perspective.  Keep your teaching artistry expanding to embrace the world.

Upcoming Think Tanks


Registration Information

  • Check your timezone compared to others by clicking here.
  • If you would like to attend, just click the pink text and register to participate via the link.

Upcoming Think Tanks


  • Friday 30th July, 6pm (EAT Nairobi time)
    Trauma Informed Practice in Africa
    Hosted by Bonface Beti & Angi Yoder-Maina (Kenya)
  • Tuesday 31st August, 8.30 - 10.30pm (IST, New Delhi time)
    Using Teaching Artistry to explore Future Literacy, Future Fluency, Future Competency and Future Consciousness.
    Hosted by Sudebi Thakurata (India)
  • Thursday 30th September,  3pm - 4.30pm (Accra time)
    Teaching Artists as arts emergency surgeons for community healing and empowerment.
    Hosted by Peter Atsu Adaletey (Ghana)
  • Wednesday 20th October, 12 noon - 2pm (NY, USA time)
    Empowering Teaching Artists to become leaders in creating cross-disciplinary STEAM partnerships.
    Hosted by Jeff Mather (USA)
  • Tuesday 23rd November, 2-3.30pm (UK time)
    Mental health and wellbeing, and the role of Teaching Artistry.
    Hosted by Yvonne Wyroslawska (UK)
  • Wednesday 15th December 2021, 1 - 3pm (NYC time)
    Non-verbal Teaching Artistry: Physical Story, Modern Mime, and Teaching Beyond Words.
    Hosted by Becky Baumwoll (USA)
  • Tuesday 25th January 2022, 11am (Montreal, Canada Time)
    Community building through co-creation.
    Hosted by Place des Arts and Marika Crête-Reizes (Canada)
  • Monday 28th February 2022, 8 - 10pm (Kenya Time)
    Playback Theatre in Africa.
    Hosted by Bonface Beti, Tarryn Lee & the AFRICA CONNECT Group
  • Wednesday 9th March 2022, 11am - 12.30pm (Quebec Time)
    Welcoming newcomer teenagers with artistic expression: learning without unlearning cultures.
    Hosted by Frédérick Moreau (Canada) & guest Lynn Ditchfield (USA)
  • Friday 29th April 2022, 5 - 7pm (Philippines time)
    Art & Advocacy: Teaching & Empowering Students towards Social Action in the Philippines
    Hosted by Cathy Lasam Ballo & guests (tbc)
  • Wednesday 25th May 2022, 5 - 7pm (UK time)
    Building cross sector partnerships for socially engaged arts
    Hosted by Fie Neo (Singapore)
  • Thursday 30th June, 7pm (New York, USA time)
    Intergenerational Co-Mentoring: Individual Growth and Collaborative Impact
    Hosted by Jean E Taylor & Zoey Peacock Jones (USA)

Registration Information

  • Check your timezone compared to others by clicking here.
  • If you would like to attend, just click the pink text and register to participate via the link.



Did you miss one of our previous sessions? No worries! Through our partnership with Creative Generation, we are building out a library of learning modules to highlight best practices shared in our ongoing ITAC as well as expand the dialogue beyond the sessions. Check back monthly to dive in!

November 2019

Teaching Artists & Artists Teaching

Victoria Ryle leads a panel discussion on the role of teaching artists in Tasmania, Australia featuring several of her colleagues. Guests from around the world also weigh in to provide their perspective on the nuances of existing as an artist and a teacher - working in and outside of traditional classrooms.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for November 2019.

May 2019

Evidence to Prove the Practice

Brad Haseman provides a brief overview of his work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with his organization, Life Drama. In collaboration with local teaching artists and researchers from Australia, Life Drama uses teaching artistry and theatre to educate young people about sexual health.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for May 2019.

April 2019

Social Engagement Through Crafting

Jessica Howarth and several of her crafting colleagues from Scotland, United Kingdom come together for a round table discussion. Each teaching artist speaks to the impact that crafting can have on participants and communities, especially those who are typically underserved.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for April 2019.

March 2019

Handling Therapeutic Experiences in Theatrical Settings

Zdenka Svitekova and guests share their intergenerational work with the group Ostruzina in the Czech Republik. Their work is centered around participatory experiences that bring audiences onto the stage to engage in what they call “open space” and “free play”.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for March 2019.

January 2019

The Arts: Promoting Female Education in Ghana

Peter Atsu Adaletey and guests provide a brief overview of his their work in Ghana and the important role that the arts can play in not only building girls’ self esteem and sense of self worth but also in changing the way that society sees them by witnessing their transformation.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for January 2019.

February 2019

Socio-Cultural Awareness and Culturally Responsive Teaching

What biases do we carry with us into classrooms and creative spaces? Have we been the benefits of unearned privilege? How can we recognize and navigate moments in which we’re members of a dominant or excluded group?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for February 2019.

July 2019

The Emerging Field of Arts, Culture and Conflict transformation

With the advancement of technological and institutional tools, the potential to develop new strategies seems possible for stopping the inertia of destruction and discovering sustainable ways to be on Earth. This quest may contain many tools but, one of the most powerful is Art. Art is one of our more complex and complete sources of creation and communication.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for July 2019.

August 2019

Together and Different: Building a culture of peace in schools through Playback Theatre

How can theatre empower students to critically examine the roles they play amongst their peers? How can dance and music empower students to understand the power they have to change what they see around them?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for August 2019.

September 2019

The Next Generation of Teaching Artists: Art as Activism - Activating Your Own Truth

What can teaching artists learn from their students? What can students learn from their teachers and teaching artists? Does the way that we teach need to change?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for September 2019.

February 2020

The Suspension of Disconnect: A new context and pedagogy for the arts in the 21st century

What does it take to be present with yourself - with your ensemble or team? What does it take to build a compassionate and brave space with and as an audience? What does it take to engage in artful living?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for February 2020.

March 2020

Communities, Schools and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

How do the arts intersect with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What can you do to expand your case making abilities to appeal to development-oriented funders and partners in your area?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for March 2020.

August 2020

Arts And Social Transformation In Latin America: Building Mental Health, Resilience And Recovery Through Art

How can the arts be a community resource where creativity can build resilience? What existing resources does said community have that helps them resist and survive?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for August 2020.

April 2021

Grassroots Sector Building -
Starting Your Own TA Network

How can we help build our sector at the local level? Want to explore new ways to support Teaching Artists in your home area?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for April 2021.

May 2021

The ITAC Climate Collective -
Using Teaching Artistry to Incite Action and Create Change

How can we use the emotional sides of the art to change mentalities, shape behaviors, and find good solutions?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for May 2021.

July 2021

Trauma Informed Practice in Africa

Storytelling has been one of the greatest ways to teach humanity about life since the beginning of time. Join Bonface and Angi as they explore ways to engage with the world’s problems through healing-centered peacebuilding. This session will focus on the need for non-biomedical, collective, and contextualized approaches to healing trauma through an African lens, examining the work being done by practitioners in Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, and beyond, to address these pressing issues.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for July 2021.

August 2021

Using Teaching Artistry to Explore Future Literacy, Future Fluency, Future Competency, and Future Consciousness

What does future competency mean in the arts and creative sectors, and in social, cultural, or ecological impact spaces? How can these two come together in forms of creative collaborations which allow Teaching Artists, future creative practitioners, and communities to be future-ready and more future-conscious?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for August 2021.

September 2021

Teaching Artists as Arts Emergency Surgeons for Community Healing and Empowerment

What do we have in common? What is context specific? What can we learn from each other to help us address issues?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for September 2021.

October 2021

Teaching Artists as Leaders: Creating Cross-Disciplinary STEAM Partnerships

What happens when Teaching Artists "go first" and convene a meeting of potential stakeholders, allowing the sparks to fly?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for October 2021.

November 2021

Mental Health & Wellbeing and
the Role of Teaching Artistry

What are we currently doing well? What could we do better? What training needs to be in place for Teaching Artists to feel enabled, informed, and supported in this work?

This session provokes participants' thinking and gathers evidence as to 'where are we now?' in our thinking around mental health and wellbeing as a Teaching Artist community.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for November 2021.

December 2021

Non-Verbal Teaching Artistry:
Physical Story, Modern Mime,
and Teaching Beyond Words

What are the superpowers of physical storytelling? What tools and strategies do we have for teaching beyond spoken language? What can we learn from our students when we remove words, and what can we gain from the group culture that emerges?

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for December 2021.

January 2022

Community Building through

Co-creation is a powerful catalyst. It brings people together, breaks down barriers, opens up for discoveries and can contribute to a sense of belonging.

Learn more by checking out the full learning module for January 2022.

Stay Connected and Join the Discussion

To stay connected and join the upcoming discussions, all you have to do is:

  • Email to say you’re interested in participating

  • Click the link you receive (at the specified time)

  • Join the conversation

We look forward to chatting with you soon!

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