Africa/US TA Exchange

Africa/US TA Exchange


Peter Atsu Adaletey, Ghana – a participatory theatre project addressing the issue of excessive littering
Heather Forest, New York, USA – an eco-songwriting project promoting interconnectedness, biodiversity, and planetary citizenship
Erica Lüttich, South Africa – a mapmaking/cartography project to inspire sustainable land-use solutions for the Hex River Valley
Jeff Mather, Georgia, USA – a public art installation to raise awareness of the impact of rising sea-levels on coastal areas
Engelhardt Unaeb, Namibia – a choral composition to educate the public about climate change

Modisana Mabale, South Africa – Kuyasha: using theatre to address air pollution caused by illegal
waste burning
Mclaudy Munanzwa, Zambia – a theatre & visual artist project to raise awareness of climate change amongst youth and adults
Samia Elsheikh,Egypt – handweaving/fibre arts project to highlight the importance of water, and specifically the Nile
Mphatso Mbang'ombe, Malawi – a theatre project addressing the impacts of climate crisis in Mponela
Haggai Samuel Wasswa, Uganda – Visual Art as a Tool for Social Change concerning climate change
Christiana Afrikaner, Namibia – a visual art project promoting environmental awareness through beach clean-up campaigns

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ITAC IMPACT: Climate 2021 -22 Artists

ITAC Innovators 2021-2022


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