New Zealand ITAC Hub

The ITAC Hub in New Zealand is hosted by the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation at the University of Auckland (CAST). The Centre works in partnership with artists, educators, academics, policy makers, and communities carrying out practice-based research on the possibilities of the arts for social transformation. The Centre seeks more just and equitable worlds, understanding that central to critical citizenship and participatory democracy, the arts accept and disrupt the chaos of post normal times, awakening our senses to the joy and wonder of becoming more fully human.

ITAC7 will be hosted by the New Zealand Hub: the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation (CAST) at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland this year!

Official Event Website!

Hear from ITAC7 Hosts As They Prepare to Welcome Teaching Artists to New Zealand This September!

Selina Marsh

Peter O'Connor

Sam Scott

Recent News from the Hub

ITAC Hub Online Event:

A free, virtual conversation was hosted by the New Zealand ITAC Hub, featuring Professor Peter O'Connor (New Zealand) and Zoë Lintzeris (USA), who engaged in a conversation on Making Art when the world went to hell."

On opposite sides of the globe, using different art forms but driven by a passion to use the arts to make a difference in the world, Zoë Lintzeris and Peter O'Connor considered how their different but complementary approaches to artmaking contained the seeds of possibilities for better worlds.

A Conversation on Making Art when the world goes to hell

New Zealand ITAC Hub - ITAC6 In Person

On our first day together in Oslo at ITAC6, New Zealand Hub Leader, Professor Peter O’Connor from the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation at The University of Auckland, took to the mainstage to lead a joy filled workshop for our plenary.

The session took the form of a creative workshop addressing the role of teaching artists in times of crisis. Using dance, music and the visual arts, the whole congregation worked together to help 'Marley' get her dreams and wishes back. In these days of never ending crises, this might be the vital gift teaching artists give the world.

If you missed it, we highly recommend watching this workshop, your imagination will thank you!

Click Here to See More!

"We are honoured to be part of the first cohort of ITAC Hubs. We delight in the possibilities of international collaboration that ITAC brings to help imagine new futures through the arts both here in Aoteaora New Zealand and around the world."

- Professor Peter O’Connor (Centre for Arts and Social Transformation)

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