Fundación Saludarte – Uruguay

Art Forms: Drama, Dance & Storytelling.

Participants: 14 – 18 year olds

Country: Uruguay

Description of the work

What middle school do we want?

On Tuesday, September 24, we held a participatory theatrical work in the framework of the National Day of the Youth Parliament Mercosur, which took place at the headquarters of the Professional Technical Education Council (UTU).
The Youth Parliament Mercosur is a space of youth participation and construction of citizenship that makes it possible, to young people between 14 and 18 years who have middle education (not in the last year, as parliamentarians are chosen for two consecutive years ), both in the secondary education council and professional technical teaching council, to present proposals that revolve problems on the motto: “the middle school we want”.
We worked on the following axes: educational inclusion, gender, youth and work, citizen participation, human rights and Latin American integration.
The activity was coordinated by the Human Rights Department of the Central Board of Directors, also known as CODICEN, which is the governing body of the National Administration of Public Education of Uruguay.

Other coordinators were the members of the Regional Citizenship Commission of Mercosur, the integral Department of the Student (CES) and the centers promoters of participation.

Young people participated very actively with us. They narrated their sensations, feelings and stories, putting the body and voice together with our artists in improvised performances. Our conductor facilitated the group creative process that was given among participants, actors and music.
We had an excellent participation of the students of public institutions there gathered.

Eugenio Costa, Inés Cruces, María Noel Rosas, Darío Sellanes.

Bruno Lucas

Rasia Friedler

Paola Katz